Modern lifestyles, combined with trauma responses, have resulted in chronic stress that triggers systemic metabolic dysfunction and the breakdown of homeostasis. This leads to mineral imbalance and mitochondrial malfunction.
To better understand your body's condition, we clinically assess and analyze the results of functional lab work with a holistic perspective, taking into account bio-individual, interdependent relationships within the body.
We gain insight into your vitamin and mineral levels and assess their relationship. We investigate and address the root causes of your health problems, instead of just treating symptoms, so you can get results and maintain them.
Based on this analysis, we use your unique biomarkers to create a personalized lifestyle and nutrition roadmap, in alignment with your body's unique needs, tooptimize metabolism and energy production
One to one sessions designed to guide you into balanced nourishment and energetic coherence. The Goal is metabolic recalibration, energy optimization and the restoration of vitality at all scales. Whether you are currently unwell or you are savvily preventative and seeking to reverse age.
Metabolism and quantum energy production are the foundation of human well-living.
We address
establishing a healthy circadian rhythm
achieving insulin sensitivity and metabolic flexibility, reestablishment of fat adaption, and cellular restoration via “therapeutic ketosis”
how to approach fasting, autophagy and carb-cycling
balancing inflammation and transmuting oxidative stress
organ, nervous, and immune system support, and how to create a robust stress response
mindset using principles of neuropsychology to work with your brain, not against it
We look at
And, we look/delve deeply into the emotional nuances/subtleties that foster/contribute dysregulation/imbalances, and explore the poetry of the body's expressive language to restore homeostasis (natural balance).
This comprehensive process engages your body's innate healing wisdom, empowering you to achieve optimal health and wellbeing, whilst reclaiming the metabolism of youth.
Initial 90 min Consultation $325 + required labs
Single 60 minute follow up consultations $250
Package of 4 consultations $900 (including initial consult) + required labs