Salon Béla welcomes

the New Enlightened Philosophes and Sages of the Second Renaissance. 

Enter into stimulating free range dialogue that takes us into the deep end of wonder and awe as wayshow'ers, sharp contemplators, and out of the box thinkers join me to explore innovations, push the limits on perception, and challenge the dominant paradigms in wellness, healing, science, culture, creativity, finance, and continuing into the energetics of the Cosmos.

Knowledge is the KEY that unlocks the mystery of the Universe

The answers are in the questions we creatively ask. Curious minds come together in ongoing conversations, sharing the emergence of ideas that both revel in the beauty and complexity of life while expanding the evolution of consciousness, in turn inspiring us to live our lives to the fullest potential. Progress and science owe more to the clash of ideas than to the steady accumulation of facts.

Healthy dialogue forms the foundation of knowledge.

Conversation is the cornerstone of Knowledge.

Together innovative ideas emerge.