You heal yourself by working atomically with aether — its glorious frequencies, energy and vibrations. As conductor of the symphony that is the universe, you can resonate at the same frequency with that which you wish to become. The body can heal anything, but you have to be in the vibration required to do this.
In our relationships with one another and our environment, we pick up bits and pieces from the reality around us all the time. This informs us of what is coming our way. Through our words, actions, memories, and perspection, our frequency is determined. As you shift your attention to the beauty around you, you vibrate on a higher vibrational timeline.
To harness frequency’s medicine, think that you are healthy. And become it. You are already healed, you have to travel to meet it. Keep seeing it to project the reality of the final result, which is being fully healed. To achieve wellbeing, it is essential for you to harness the power of your own frequency as medicine.