Beauty is natural.
Béla Gusta embodies radical, visionary values in all its expressions, whether in club setting or its product formulations. Some of our core values become expressed through the following holistic disciplines.
Nature’s nutrients are at the heart of our process, meaning we do not use any isolates in our work. Vitamins are not just single molecules; they are complex, biological systems involving multiple biochemical steps and interactions.
Their effectiveness depends on various factors within the body, requiring all components of the vitamin complex to be present and functioning together.
Isolated vitamins do not perform the same functions and act more like drugs. Our formulations provide systemic health to your skin and microbiome.
Animal lipids are a superior vehicle for nutrition as compared with plant oils. Harmonization that mirrors nature is our goal when formulating, allowing beef tallow to harmonize with the delicate power of foraged flowers, mineral-rich clays and salts, sunlight and other nutrients like a symphony.
It is our belief that humans are most beautiful when they are immensely interconnected with their own rhythms, the rhythms of the earth, ritual, and community.
While plants provide an amazing spectrum of wisdom, they are far from the complete picture. When the kingdoms merge, there’s a gestalt: full information rather than just parts.
Some of our clients know us best as a place to receive deep, heartfelt, and transformative biomagnetism — a system which Lauren uses to help people transcend difficulties and blockers and leap to the next quantum level on their journey.
From accessing emotions and related pathogens, to syncing with the seasons and reprogramming down to the DNA level, biomagnetism is on the leading edge of effective treatments for healing and at the core of our work at Béla Gusta.
In a session, we use the north star question of: what is the true cause? We find the original misconception and use it to reprogram how you respond to life moving forward. You’ll leave feeling a new version of self that is tremendously empowering.
We work with the rhythms of the earth in mind. We believe in considering the seasons, the current light codes, the lunar and planetary cycles, and other energetic vibrations as part of your longevity regimen.
Our variety of offerings aim to place people in a state of coherence. Cyclical time allows us to feel like we are a part of something endless and beautiful. Linear time has us running, searching, doing – instead of being.
Through individual sessions with Lauren, our clients work on specific issues and patterns to harmonize with the timing of nature. In the Quantum Fitness Club, we meet as a community to foster the sunshine of our souls and support each other on the quest for wisdom.
At Béla Nektar, we apply an alchemical process to everything that we do. Every ingredient that we use is time-tested for a thousand years. As such, ancestral wisdom makes its way into our materials, and gives us supreme confidence in what we make.
Lauren develops her skincare formulation shamanically, as a way of delivering ancestral messages from her maternal line, which biologically correlates to the mitochondrial sensing system. She looks to the environment to speak to her.
Our point of view is seasonal and cyclical. Through her seasonal downloads, Lauren tunes to real-time messages and patterns that then inform the energy transfers of her offerings. She invites you to turn your attention to the fractals of the cosmos, from the inside out.
Many of our clients end up going sun-kissed and makeup free after several months of using our products. We prefer to help them move toward their natural, unmasked beauty, in all that we do.
Our guidance around the sun is also unique, encouraging practitioners of the Béla method to treat the sun as an ally to marry, rather than an opponent to divorce.
Conscious, minimalist packaging to reduce waste is important to us. From the beginning, we did not use boxes, instead opting for strong mirin glass. As of 2024, we are 95% plastic free, and entirely chemical and synthetics free.
“The masterpiece is you, a tapestry of cosmic coherence woven with the thread of light, stitched by your sensing, feeling, knowing and genuine being.”
I created Béla Gusta as a path to fashioning wellness. My journey from illness to wellness required me to elevate from my deepest roots.
In the process, I received universal edicts and remedy codes from the force of Nature Herself. I infuse my skincare products and wellness teachings with the technicals and frequency of these values and downloads.
I personally invite you to fashion yourself into your highest masterpiece, one that we all want to meet. I am sincerely dedicated to supporting you in becoming this.
Join me in envisioning a culture that values the energetic expression of health and beauty from within, not just surface change.
I’d like you to use my offerings as a set of points that will harmonize you into regenerative health.
Each is a daily practice, reconnecting you to the pure intelligence of nature and the Thirteen Pillars of Well Living which I teach all of my health clients and outline in The Quantum Fitness Club. To summarize, my recommendations are:
*to focus on creating your highest version
*to connect with circadian and metabolic rhythms
*to balance the elements within you
*to work with the frequency of your terrain
*to harmonize with the seasons
*to become more and more conscious and coherent
*to discover Source Love, self sovereignty, and true natural beauty