I started my journey as a fashion designer, daring to reveal what was under my dress in autobiographical self portraiture. I superficially thought that if I physically stripped down to my undergarments, I could bear more of myself. 

But I ended up stripped down to my own rafters in a full deconstructed reconstruction. What began as an exploration of truth evolved into a profound excavation of self. I quickly found out that there is a state of more naked than naked. But I had to hit a rock bottom that I wasn’t expecting, to glean the Soul’s bedrock and source code. 

Here’s what happened. In hindsight, I was coping, but I thought I was fine. 

I had bad habits. I was stressed in my work life, unfulfilled in my social circle, and deeply under-valuing myself. My boundaries were poor and porous and I was looping trauma bonds in spirographic patterns all throughout my life and dumping wine, late night dancing and over working onto the whole thing. 

When a big, stress-inducing life event occurred (my mother dying), I didn’t have the mitochondria and mineral balance to stay above water. I sunk hard, both emotionally and quantum-physically. 

From the recovered place I’m at today, I can tell you scientifically and with my full heart—START TO PLAN NOW. Learn to metabolize life now. Harness your mitochondrial currency before you bankrupt yourself. This advice is for wherever you are on the spectrum, in chronic sickness or just holding steady. 

In my own story, fashion and depletion led to my reinvention. Fabric and thread transcended their material forms to become conduits for elemental essences—light, minerals, energy, and emotions—interwoven with the fabric of my DNA programming. In this journey of self-discovery, every stitch and seam became a reflection of my innermost truths, transforming the art of fashion into fashion as a verb, and a sacred tapestry of personal evolution.

What’s your story? Where are you now and where do you want to go? 

Today, I run a business from my Los Angeles oasis surrounded by plants and herbs. I get the privilege to help others out of darkness and into light. I create in every room, including the yard, and I am at peace with and inspired by the wildlife around me. I call them into my space, even though I’m in the heart of the city. This is how my downloads reach me, through interconnection.

Our stories are interconnected. We are entwined in pattern recognition. There is a reason you’re finding me. I can’t wait to meet you.

Lauren Bradley