You are the Master and the Masterpiece



Exactly 11 years ago, I was bleeding to death. Doctors told me I needed a hysterectomy and a lifetime supply of medicine. Not even the best surgeon in LA could figure out what was “wrong” with me. I was bleeding out to the bone. Imagine a near-death experience on slow motion.

I never thought illness was how my healing mission would begin but looking back, this initiation of the Hero’s Journey was needed to be able to serve you. The dire and confusing messages from the medical community gave me the opportunity to find my autonomy and harness my own inner wisdom, connecting me to multifaceted truths of healing which I now live by everyday.

It hasn’t been an easy path. I wouldn’t wish my journey on my worst enemy, and I wouldn’t want to repeat it. But the empathy I learned to give myself allowed me to hold others. I know what it’s like to pack a sandwich and hail a cab to take yourself to the emergency room, and hope you don’t die on the way. I didn’t have family close by and I had to navigate my health situation, like many of you also need to, on my own.

The aloneness on my journey taught me the importance of creating community coherence. The esoteric side of healing is what helped me to recover, the connection and synergies between emotions, thoughts, past, present and future. The symptoms of your life have multifaceted sources. You can’t heal from just an acupuncturist or a therapist. You need a protocol and a container held. This is what I offer in this club.

There have been a bounty of rewards for doing this work that I now teach. Building the courage to lean into inner wisdom has helped me to understand my value and has taught me how to interact with colleagues. I’ve created a portfolio of wealth and business that will serve me through the rest of my life. My interpersonal relationships and psychic self are deeply healed and now have capacity for true love.

This revolving, month-to-month club has been building inside me for years. I’m excited to take you through The 13 Pillars that have changed my life and help you to incorporate them into yours. Whether you’re sick or “well,” this group will radically change your life and help you uplevel your life: help you find your value and locate your purpose too.

This is an art class for your Soul, where you merge with your Highest Self, your masterpiece as a master. The more consciousness you have, the more tools you can craft with. Welcome to the best club ever. I’m so excited to welcome you in.

In Light and Love,

Lauren C Bradley


Your perception expanded and you started to new colors from the canvas of life

  • You moved beyond loops of pain and fatigue into greater ease and agency

  • You trusted your ability to become the most exquisite version of yourself

  • You found a quantum leap through a group who mirrored your success

  • You had a clear vision for your coherent, holistic uplevel and it felt possible

  • You understood the laws of quantum physics and applied them to your life

  • You accessed the boundless regenerative potential of the rhythm of nature

  • You became the hero of your own journey, starting now!

Are you ready to claim your unique heritage for greatness and be part of a trailblazing quantum health and embodiment club?

With Spring Equinox, we receive an extraordinary invitation from nature to begin anew. 


This year, I invite you to set your intentions inside club corridors of the leading-edge of new earth and stay accountable to them with a commitment to meet virtually every other week. This program is intended to build structure around your wellness goals and further develop a growth mindset with a strong center at the helm of your wellness journey. 


There are 13 pillars that I want to share with you that have helped hundreds of my clients find and maintain wellbeing. Every other week, I’ll teach one and then invite you to reflect on it in your own life. We will end each session with live coaching and a group discussion to help deepen into each topic. 


During our time together, you will expand your mind to its quantum potential, dial in on your priorities, learn how to live comfortably and dynamically in your environment, gain clarity around who you want to become and what you want to do, build more trust with yourself and deepen your understanding of the unique value you bring to the world.


This program is not just about focusing on what you want to solve or achieve. More importantly, it’s about taking the time to get in touch with how you want to feel and create supportive habits for yourself. Don’t worry if you don’t have a grand vision of your destiny at this very moment. This program will help you to time travel to a future self beyond your wildest dreams, and to walk it back into the now.

The best part is that through community there will be the opportunity to be seen, heard, respected and encouraged which is how real quantum leaps happen!


By reviewing these archetypes of health together in group, you plant seeds for wellbeing in your life.


  • You're ready to feel more energy and vitality in your life!

  • You’re ready to answer the call and embrace the next chapter of your evolution

  • You want to feel confident being the creator of your health.

  • You’re eager to unearth newfound wisdom and skills,

  • You want expansive relationships and a health community.

  • You thrive with firm and gentle guidance as you make change.

  • You believe in the importance of investing in yourself.



Do you want to become the most radiant, abundant version of yourself?


We’ll meet virtually every other week for 6 months. All sessions will be recorded in case you can’t make it live.


Each call will be 75 minutes and structured with a teaching module, exercise and group discussion. 

On the in between weeks, there will be follow up journal prompts and exercises. 


Lifetime access to replays and all past virtual workshops including my X and Y masterclasses.


In addition, you will receive two 1-on-1, 30 minute sessions with me to further explore your unique health blueprint. (office hours?) 


Everyone will receive Quantum Entangle, a unique talismanic scent for quantum entaglement. It is designed to uplift the group by uplifting the individual and link us in coherence for instantaneous transport of information through the olfactory senses.


There will be a community group where we can share challenges, wins and resources.


Would love for you to join! The program will start March 20th and live calls will be held every other Tuesday at 5pm PST.


1. THE EDIT: remembering that have the power to change our patterns

2. THE COMPASS: recalling the voice that does not use words 

3. THE FOCUS: installing greatness as a byproduct of intentionality

4. THE LIGHT CODES: attuning to the sun and engaging with light frequencies 

5. THE ELEMENTS: rebalancing your minerals and hormones

6. THE TERRAIN: cleaning up your frequency and vibration 

7. THE SEASONS: reclaiming your direct experience of time

8. THE FLEX: defining your metabolics and energetic fuel

9. THE EDGE: surfing the tantric wave with grace and power

10. THE SHADOW: acknowledging blind spots and personal depth

11. THE DNA: reassociating with ancestry and the onset of your incarnation

12. THE BOSS: igniting autonomy and sovereignty as the driver of your life

13 THE LOVE: transforms us and our reality entirely

he universe will take care of the When, Where & How